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£10 million trade - Northern Ireland Businesses standing shoulder to shoulder

December 17, 2013 - Added by Sync IE     1,259 views     0 likes     0 comments
Despite the tough economic climate and more recent issues in the city centre, including an attempted bombing by dissident republicans and continuing loyalist protests, the business network is proving that standing shoulder to shoulder and supporting each other through hard times really works.

A group of business men and women, based in Belfast City Centre are celebrating success after securing £10 million pounds of trade between them over the past 12 months.

 Despite the tough economic climate and more recent issues in the city centre, including an attempted bombing by dissident republicans and continuing loyalist protests, the business network is proving that standing shoulder to shoulder and supporting each other through hard times really works.

 The 24 members of Business Networking International group, “BNI Erimus”, meet in the city centre each week, passing business between them; so far this year they’ve referred trade worth a staggering 10 million pounds amongst the team, ensuring that this money remains within the Northern Ireland economy. 

 Craig Dean, financial advisor and the group director says it is about sticking out the challenges together:

 “We are really delighted with what we have achieved in supporting each other this year. It is no secret, it is a hard time for business and of course we are concerned about recent developments, particularly in Belfast.  We want the public and indeed other businesses to know that we are staying positive, that we are strong, our members are on track for a prosperous Christmas, because we are helping each other to achieve that”.

 Chapter members include representatives from established Northern Ireland business such as Randox Laboratories, JD Components and estate agents CPS, but it is also nurturing new companies, such as that of Business Coach, Janice Muldoon of One Result, who has just relocated from Canada:

 “My business is all about setting goals and helping others to achieve them.  I’m from Northern Ireland originally and one of my goals was to set up back home, which I have done! Despite the challenges we are facing here in Belfast, I look at the success of my fellow members at BNI, who managed to come through the issues last Christmas, I’ve no doubt, that together, we can do it all again if we have to”.